Expert: PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disorder) are a dangerous disease in women. However, today it can be treated at home.

A very surprising event happened in the summer of 2019 at the annual conference of the European Congress of Endocrinology Specialists. The big experts of the whole hall stood on the stage and kept applauding for a girl standing for 10 minutes. This girl was Rachna, an Indian student from Mumbai. This Indian student published her unique formula, which can get rid of the problem of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disorder) in a very short time without any side effects. Polycystic ovary syndrome is commonly known as (PCOS). It is also called polycystic ovary disorder (PCOD). In the last few years, this problem has increased rapidly among women. The month of September is celebrated as PCOS awareness. PCOS is a serious hormonal problem that causes metabolic and reproductive problems. PCOS problem is found in many women and girls but very few people know about it.
Women have two ovaries which release one egg every month. A small amount of the male hormone androgens is also released from the ovaries. In PCOD, the ovaries usually increase in size and they start releasing androgens in excess, which creates problems for a woman's fertility and her body. In this, due to the release of too many immature or partially mature eggs of the ovaries, they eventually turn into cysts. Some of the common symptoms are abdominal enlargement, irregular periods, male-like hair loss and infertility. On the other hand, in PCOS too, the ovaries produce more androgens than normal on a large scale, which hinders the development and release of eggs. Some eggs become cysts, and instead of being released during ovulation, the eggs, which are like small sacs filled with water, become cysts in the ovary and sometimes even enlarge.

Irregular or prolonged periods with pain are the most common signs of PCOS. For example, having less than 9 periods in a year, an interval of more than 35 days between two periods and abnormally many periods.
The causes of PCOD can be varied and uncertain. There is also some evidence that it is a hereditary disorder. Such evidence has high consistency in familial association of diseases, monozygotic. It has been seen in genetic cases that it can be an autosomal dominant disease. Single gin disorder is also found in many cases. A higher than average degree of androgen combined with anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) increases the risk of PCOD in the future.

-When there is a problem of PCOD, women have difficulty in conceiving.
-At the same time, they face a lot of emotional turmoil due to hormonal imbalance.
-In this disease, the weight starts increasing rapidly while some women complain of weakness all the time.
-Some people have less bleeding during periods and some have a lot of bleeding.
Therefore, experienced Ayurvedic expert Rachna says that its natural treatment is the best treatment which does not have any side effects. Quit worrying about your problems related to PCOD right now. Rachna has come up with a very good idea and the Science Center immediately got involved in implementing it. The Research and Development in Biology and many more specialists were engaged in preparing this recipe. It has been made and its results are very good. and to get the solution of your problemclick here -

How this new recipe will save the lives of millions of women and how Women of India can find it - read this article today.

Rachna says as soon as my articles were published to cure diseases like PCOS and PCOD, I started getting many offers to sell my idea. First came people from France who offered me 1,20,000 euros. The last offer I got came from an American pharmaceutical holding company who was willing to pay $30 million for my idea. I got so upset with these people that I had to change my phone number and even stopped logging into my social media accounts because they used to try to talk to me everyday and keep looking for me.
I didn't sell it. It may sound a bit strange but I did not find this new way so that people from abroad can earn money from it. Just imagine what would have happened if I sold it abroad? These people would have patented it, prevented any other company from making it and the rates would have become expensive. I am young but I am not stupid.Women of India will never get a chance to recover. The doctor from abroad told me that the cost of such a thing should be at least $3,000. But in my view this is absolutely wrong, you tell me How many women in India can pay $3,000 for this.
That's why I accepted the offer of product development in my own country. We have worked with The Medicine and Pharmacy University, The Research and Development in Biology. Now the clinical trials of the product have been completed and it is available for women.
The idea of Rachna is just like a GPS or a map for a car - it is the least time consuming way to get rid of these ailments and it has no side effects. Not only this, its effect lasts for the whole life.
Diagnosing PCOD

Product based on composition formula Harmo Balancer Super Hain
Harmo Balancer - This is a new product, by using it women do not have to face problems like PCOS, PCOD and it is very is beneficial. It does not have any side effect The result of this is that - women's body stops producing more hormones than normal, due to which there is a balance in the hormones, due to which the periods remain regular. The problem which comes in pregnancy also gets cured. A course of Harmo Balancer will save women from danger and from being childless.
We decided that we will not sell it from drugstores because these people don't even want to talk to us anyway. That's why we have decided to do the direct distribution of Harmo Balancer. Now there is no middleman like medicine shops in the middle. We considered several options and chose the most effective method. Whoever needs to take Harmo Balancer participates in a draw , followed by a consultant Calls back to him, gives a consultation and gets the product. As per the decision of Research and Development Institute in Biology India on date, anyone can take part in draw. Today everyone can go to the internet and for this you do not even need to have a computer because today everyone has a smart phone with internet.
Whatever you want, draw in (including) . This campaign is being run in the courtesy of Research and Development Institute in Biology India so that everyone can know about this medicine. We hope that the news of this will spread fast and all the women who have benefited from it will recommend it to their friends and relatives.
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